
Oct 8, 2012

When you realize it was all worth it

This week has been one of those weeks when I look around and have to pinch myself.

I love that this city has started to feel like home. I have multiple groups of friends, I have a real job with a real commute, I have an apartment that I dig with a roommate that I am friends with. I can recommend restaurants to people when they visit from out of town and I know the shortcuts to take when I need to get across town quick. I can give directions when a stranger stops me on the street and I feel that urge of anger when tourists walk super slow on the sidewalk.

I embrace the cool crisp Fall weather and I love the sound of the traffic outside of my apartment when I am drifting off to sleep at night. I can tell you the difference between the Lower East Side and Murray Hill, I know which train to take without actually looking at a schedule (unless I'm in Brooklyn, then it all goes downhill.) I have favorite places to hangout and routines that I follow. I know where I can get the best greek pastries in my neighborhood and the restaurant that allows you to bring your own beer.

I seriously don't know why I ever thought this giant city wouldn't feel like home, but I did. I thought I would get eaten up with it's expansive girth, I figured the subway map would become a fixture in my purse (It never did! Thanks HopStop!) I am pretty sure that my first year of job exploration and tourist filled adventure allowed me to become familiar with so many aspects of the city and I would not do it any differently if I had the chance again.

I know that I have so much more to learn and experience, but for now, I am home and I like it.

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