
Sep 20, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Working in a school has its highlights. Sometimes it's the smile a student gives you when you have explained the math homework to them and sometimes it's the week month long vacations, but the things that puts the biggest smile on my face is when kids tell you an answer or write something on a test that is just crazy. I often wonder where they got that idea or how they came across the answer they turned in but nevertheless their crazy ideas make me laugh and cry at the same time.

So without further ado, I introduce you to my newest type of post:

Here I will chronicle some of the outlandish/awesome things my students say or write. Of course, it will all be anonymous, because I like my job and i like my kids, and well I am not trying to be mean.

For the first week, I couldn't help but jot down some of the answers I received on last week's social studies vocabulary quiz. The students were given the words and asked to write the definition in their own words.

Word #1 - Prime Meridian 

Student response 1 - A number that only has two factors.
Student response 2 - A person in the beginning of time.

Word #2 - Region

Student response 1 - A cultural interaction.
Student response 2 - A shape on Earth with different features.

Word #3 - Atlas

Student response 1 - Almost like a compass.
Student response 2 - A boring book that adults use.

Word #4 - Equator

Student response 1 - The circumference of the Earth.

Word #5- Continent

Student response 1 - We have 5.

Some of these answers are hilarious. Some of the students were obviously thinking in math terms (prime meridian) and I am glad that they know the definition of a prime number! I especially loved the second response to atlas. It is so true, yet wrong.

I really hope that these made you laugh a little bit because I know that I laughed when I was grading!

Until the next test I will be keeping my ears open for some more awesome funny things from my students.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, you should definitely keep doing this :)
