
Mar 7, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

I missed the link up last Wednesday, but don't fret! I'm back with more interesting pins from the past week.

Here are a few pins I found this week that have helped me get through my period of meat free living.

This is on my menu for the weekend :)

I find it interesting that vegetarians tend to be thin when they are supposed to eat carbs liberally. I don't understand, but I'll follow the rules.

This bad boy was made and devoured last weekend. The ginger, the peanut, the delicious. Go now and make this, you can't regret it.

Silly. So silly.

Beef stroganoff might be one of my favorite foods, so I am excited to try this meat free version :) It won't be the same, but I hope it is tasty.

This is not an entree - but it is meat free! Caramel Cheesecake Apple Dip - I need a party to bring you too!!

Everybody love a parfait!  (Try and tell me you didn't just read that in Donkey's voice....oh it's just me. Moving on) This too counts because it is meat free! Chocolate peanut butter parfait! It's like an adult reese's peanut butter cup, but I'm not sure that reese's were ever considered non-adult!

Have a fabulous Wednesday :)

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