
Mar 5, 2012

February/March Bucket List

It's Bucket list time again and I feel like I can't remember February because it flew by so fast. Yesterday feels like it was just the 1st, then it was Valentine's day and all of a sudden we were celebrating Leap Day. I also happened to celebrate my 8 month anniversary with the city this month....8 months seems like a long time but it has felt short!

February was a dreary overcast kind of month. My work load, except for the week I had off, was intense. Plus, I seem to have also found some decent friends who have helped me fill my social calendar. Let's recap this super crazy short month:

I spent a weekend in Washington DC!

My apartment got robbed.

I got a new job that has really added to my tutoring schedule.

I gave up meat for Lent.

I spent a week not working and lounging around the city.

I saw every Oscar nominated movie and then went to an Oscars party.

I managed to read 7 books.

Plus, who knows what else happened that I can't remember. According to my bucket list, in February, I wanted to:

1. kick the crap out of this cough that has consumed my life since mid-December. - Neg-atron. I do, however, have an appointment at the pulmonologist this Thursday, so I'm hoping they can finally help a sister out.

2. exploring the city and doing at least 3 new things. - I think I did this, but honestly I don't remember. Plus, without my camera, I am relying on my phone camera which does not work once my battery life gets low, so I am often camera less during adventures.

3. get more creative this month. - I had high hopes, but honestly, nothing creative happened.

4. get out and volunteer somewhere. - I sent in my application to be a Big Sister as part of the Big Brother & Big Sisters program, so now I am just waiting to hear back from them.

March has only been around for 5 days and it has already been more exciting than February. I don't know how I can top this past weekend, but here are my goals:

1. Catch up on my recipe blog posts. I swear I have been cooking for the past few weeks!
2. Attend the St. Patrick's Day Parade! and drink green beer while wearing green and perhaps talking in an Irish accent.
3. Show my friend Barbara and her Mom around the city when they come to visit later in the month. Maybe take them somewhere I have never been!
4. Finally go and get my New York driver's license and register to vote in the city. (This is only 7 months overdue!)
5. On a more personal note, I would really like to get better about commenting on blogs. I get so overwhelmed with the sheer number of posts in my google reader that I sometimes just scroll through and leave ZERO comments even when I want to share my thoughts.
6. I'm going to tackle that creative goal again. I really miss having the time to just do something artsy. I saw a BYOB painting class the other day and I like the sound of painitng with booze :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a crazy ridiculous month. For better and for worse (very sorry to hear about your apartment robbery, I think I read a post about that), it sounds like you were very busy! Hopefully things calm down, but still provide all of the excitement you would love to have while living in beautiful NYC! I noticed that creativity was one of your goals for February and for March. Seems like this is very important to you. Embrace it!

