This past Thursday, I jumped on a bus from New York and made the 4.5 hour journey to D.C.. My sister was attending a conference in D.C. and we thought that we could make the weekend a mini vacation around her conference sessions.
The first evening was a lot of great sister bonding time. We walked to Chinatown, ate authentic Chinese food, I found my way to an ice cream shop, and then we wandered around the area near our hotel. The hotel was an amazing hotel that I could never afford and it was located on Pennsylvania Ave. We were a hop, skip, and a jump from the White House. This also meant that we were directly across the street from Freedom Square and one of the Occupy DC protestor campsites. Along with my sister there were other delegates from Florida attending the conference that I knew. It was so great to be around so many familiar faces and share stories from past conferences and events.
On Friday morning, I woke up fairly early and made my way to the Holocaust Museum. I have wanted to go to this museum for a few years because I am a big history nerd, but during my past trips, it hasn't worked out. This museum was my main priority sight seeing wise during the weekend and I succeeded. The museum is beyond anything I imagined. It is not a light-hearted museum, but it is so full of history and information that you could easily spend an entire morning inside and I did. I listened to the audio installments, I watched the videos in different rooms, and I saw the shoes that still remain as a reminder of what happened. There are no photos or videos allowed inside, so I cannot show you the museum, but I highly recommend it during your next trip to D.C.
After leaving the museum, I needed a little pick me up and I decided to walk back to the hotel taking the scenic route to check out this beauty.
While walking, I was minding my own business and chatting on the phone when suddenly I was being yelled out by a police officer. The gentleman in the picture below would be the man who kindly asked me to get out of the road and wait on the sidewalk. Then I realized that the traffic had been blocked off and I quickly decided something exciting was about to happen and I hung up the phone and took my camera out.
About 3 minutes later, I heard the sirens, saw the lights, and in a matter of seconds the President's motorcade passed by. I was so entranced by the fact that I could clearly see into the car and see President Obama talking on his cell phone that I only took 1 photo.
After the motorcade passed, traffic and pedestrians were allowed to resume moving and I made it back to the hotel. In the afternoon, one of my super awesome friends came into D.C. from Maryland and spent the night hanging out and catching up.
Saturday and Sunday were also filled with exciting things, but I'll save those for tomorrow.
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