
Jan 10, 2012

Happy as a Sheep

This quote is A-MAZ-ING! I am in love with it because it is the truth. People often assume that money makes you happy, but they are wrong. Money can buy you things that may potentially give you a mere time period  of happiness but then something newer and nicer comes out and you HAVE-TO-HAVE-IT in order to be happy again.

I learned from a pretty early age that there are some awesome things that can make a person happy. Smiles. Laughs. Inside Jokes. The smell of clean laundry. Sleeping in. Phones calls just to say "Hey." Chocolate Chip Cookies. Disney Movies.  The small things in life.

I am currently pretty happy. I have successfully been in Manhattan for 6 months and I am actually living here. I have a job (or two), I have a decent group of friends, I have social engagements with those friends, I can get from one place to another with out using a map (most of the time), and I am starting to have the extra cash to experience some of the finer things Manhattan has to offer (food, beer and Broadway...not in that order). I honestly love that I jumped off a cliff and took such a risk; I never really knew where I might end up, but from right here, things are looking pretty good :)

1 comment:

  1. You are a brave girl, and I am very proud of you!
