
Feb 20, 2012

Dear Monday

 A collection of letters I would like to mail to people who I can't really mail letters to.

Dear Presidents,
Thanks for being born. I am really enjoying celebrating your birthdays by lounging on my couch all week while schools are closed.

Dear New York,
Thanks for having beautiful weather today. I totally enjoyed taking this picture of the Empire State Building this morning.

Dear Woman Playing the flute at 1am on the train,
You have style. Thanks for sharing your melodic tunes with me while I almost fell asleep. 
Dear Sister,
Thank you for posting this on my facebook. I love waking up and laughing. 

Dear Megabus,
Thanks for having cheap fares on your buses. It makes want to make lots of weekend trips to visit friends. Next on my list, North Carolina to visit this lady. 

Dear State Farm,
Please process our insurance claim so I can buy myself a new spiffy camera. 

 Dear Downton Abbey,
Please hurry back for season 3. 


1 comment:

  1. Wait. You get off ALL WEEK because of President's Day? I'm so jelly. I didn't even get yesterday off.

    I would love to ride the Megabus one day. Their prices are legen...wait for it...dary!

