
Oct 24, 2011

A Day in the Life of Laura

I always share my most exciting adventures on this blog because it makes me happy to talk about the awesome things that I get to see and do. New York City is quite the place to live as a young 20 something, but not everyday is full of sights and adventure. In fact, most days are just ordinary. I saw a few bloggers post a similar post last week and I really liked the idea of showcasing what a normal weekday FOR ME looks like in New York.

6:30 a.m. - 1st alarm goes off and snooze is pushed.

6:40 a.m. - 2nd alarm goes off and I usually wake up but on occasion it takes me three alarms to finally wake the heck up!

Just keep moving. Just keep moving.
6:40ish - 7:15ish a.m. - I get dressed, pack my lunch, make some coffee, get myself b-e-a-utiful. (Am I the only one that still says that?)

7:15 a.m. - Head down the block and wait for the bus.

7:20-7:30 a.m. - Bus arrives - I fight for a seat (not really, I luckily live near the beginning of the route so I usually get a seat in the morning!)

Taking Myspace like pictures in the classroom.
7:30- 8:15 a.m. - I ride the bus with the neighbors. their children. and their pets. I will typically be listening to my Ipod and reading my book, but occasionally I people watch. It is a solid 45 minutes of sacred time.

8:15 a.m. - I get to school. I help set up for the day and mentally prepare myself for 27 fifth graders.

8:30 a.m - 1:00 p.m. - I do my teaching assistant thing. I help teach lessons, I work with small groups, I grade homework, I make copies, I play basketball on the yard, and I generally enjoy my job.

Is there anything sweeter than an afternoon on the computer?
1:15-2:45 p.m. - I sit at the Starbucks two blocks form my school. They know me there because I spend a solid hour and half there four days a week. It is the most convenient place to spend my break between jobs, plus they have FREE wifi. I spend this time writing/reading blogs, watching TV shows from the night before, or reading.

2:45 p.m. - I walk the 10 or so blocks to another public school where I pick up a young girl that I tutor. She gets out of school around 3pm and I am always waiting for her outside the classroom :)

3:00pm-3:30 p.m. - The girl and I go to her house. Sometimes we walk (10 more blocks), sometimes we take the bus (again fighting for a seat), and sometimes we take the subway. I let her choose so it is always different.

3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - I tutor. Math, Writing, and Reading. It is fun.

Broccoli is my friend.
4:30-5:30pm - I catch the bus home. I get a seat about 60% of the time so those nights are blissful; I crack open my book and put in my Ipod. On the nights that I am not so lucky, I hold on for dear life, because really rush hour traffic and a bus full of standing people is a recipe for disaster.

5:30 - 11:00ish p.m. - I cook dinner, I read more blogs, I hang out with my cat, and I watch TV. I always pick out my clothes the night before and I also shower and such at night. It really is the key to me leaving my house within 30 minutes of waking up and not looking like a hot mess day after day.

I must admit that my day to day life seems somewhat boring, but I do change it up from time-to-time. I babysit some days, I tutor additional kids some evenings, I go to book signings some nights, and I usually leave my adventures for the weekends. I really like having a routine and this one suits me for the time being.

1 comment:

  1. It always amazes me how vastly different two peoples lives can be in the same city. My day is so variable that it's hard to write a post like this. I really should start doing the shower in the evening, pick out my clothes thing though. My morning would go so much smoother!
